Slider Story
App Review: Tour on screen or ‘old-fashioned’ guides?
Among all the surprises the Eisteddfod 2015 has brought us, the guided audio tour in its app “Ar y...
5 August 2015
Slider Story
Among all the surprises the Eisteddfod 2015 has brought us, the guided audio tour in its app “Ar y...
5 August 2015
Beth yn union yw diwylliant gwerin Cymreig ? Dyna fu o dan sylw yn y Ty Gwerin gyda Gai...
5 August 2015
Bore ‘ma, dyn ni wedi bod yn crwydro’r maes i gael clywed ambell o’ch barnau chi am y lleoliad...
5 August 2015
Slider Story
4 August 2015
Mae comediwyr talentog wedi bod yn perfformio i dorf yng Nghaffi maes B pnawn ma. Nid hwn yw’r tro...
4 August 2015
Slider Story
You’ve impressed us with the variety of wellies around the Eisteddfod, here is a small selection from today!...
4 August 2015
Y tîm/The team
My name is Filip and I come from Croatia. I moved to Cardiff to study International Journalism at Cardiff...
4 August 2015
Mae nifer o stondinau yn cynnig gweithgareddau di-ri draw ym mhabell Gwyddoniaeth a Thechnoleg . Un o’r stondinau yw...
4 August 2015
Slider Story
Did you know that the World Wide Web (in other words, the Internet) was invented in order to protect...
4 August 2015
Mae Gwenno, Elan ac Alis yn dod o Gaerfyrddin ac ma’ nhw yma yn yr Eisteddfod eleni yn gweithio....
4 August 2015