Some might wonder what on earth is a Spanish girl like me doing in such a Welsh festival as the National Eisteddfod. Well, I can just say that after my first stroll around the Maes, this looks like becoming quite an amazing experience!
Every corner of the festival is brimming with Welsh culture. Down here you can find loads of music, theatre and almost any kind of event you can really think of. To be honest, it feels a bit overwhelming at first, with so many things going on, but it is a great opportunity to have an authentic Welsh experience.
I particularly appreciate this because after one year living in Cardiff, I still missed this greater contact with Welsh culture, with its traditions and its people. Now I can be sure that I have come to the right place!
But coming to a Welsh festival with no knowledge of Welsh language and being from a completely different culture can also be challenging at some point. Even though people are extremely kind down here, you still feel a bit out of place when you can’t understand what is really going on around you.
I think the key in that respect is just coming with an open mind and trying to find your way around. With so many things going on, it is worth keeping your eyes open!
The Maes D (the learners’ tent) also seems to be a friendly place to start from, especially for people like me, with a very limited knowledge of Welsh. There you can have a go with Welsh language while enjoying a cuppa in great company.
I am also curious about the most famous events, such as the Crowning Ceremony or the Chairing of the Bard. They look quite spectacular for somebody who has never come across anything similar, so they will definitely be one of the highlights.
But I really think that the best part of the National Eisteddfod is still its atmosphere, its people and how they live this week of Welshness proud. Coming myself from a minority culture in Spain, I am sure I will easily empathize with the feelings of these people who are committed to keep this festival and their rich culture alive. This year’s National Eisteddfod has officially kicked off, so let the adventure begin!
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